I just remember what a mind-blowing breakthrough this was not that long ago. Before that it took special effort and $$$$ to watch porn no where near t as good, and nowhere near the variety. Very few women saw any porn, now, no problem. And lesbian porn? Primitive, underdeveloped,, now in some cases very high quality and women love it. Hoping it leads to better things in the future. So no, reading dumb remarks from men is nothing new, a dumbness which runs the gamut, but that's just how many men are: crude, boorish, mindless. Luckily we're not all that way.
as good, and nowhere near the variety. Very few women saw any porn, now, no problem. And lesbian porn? Primitive, underdeveloped,, now in some cases very high quality and women love it. Hoping it leads to better things in the future.
So no, reading dumb remarks from men is nothing new, a dumbness which runs the gamut, but that's just how many men are: crude, boorish, mindless. Luckily we're not all that way.